The Wednesday Rule: Conversations for Succesful Dating

boundaries , commitment , conflict , conversations , dating , love , talk , wednesday

can have extreme highs and lows. When I take a look back on some of my
relationships that didn’t work out, I noticed one thing that they all have in
common,I was not open about my needs early in the dating process. I was
just a go with the flow type girl and most of the times things didn’t flow my
way. What I’m sharing with you today are
fourconversations that I believe we all
should have at the beginningof the dating process. These
conversations give your possible partner
an understanding of what you are looking for and what they can expect from


Withsituation-ships on the rise, dating with purpose is very important. I want you to be open and honest with the person you are dating when it comes to the type of relationship you are looking for. When my boyfriend and I started dating…

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